Add states to a workflow


  1. In ProjectWise Administrator, right-click Workflows in the left pane and select New > Workflow.
  2. Name the workflow Civil Project and click OK.
  3. Click on that workflow and then right click in the right pane and select Add State.
  4. Select the states you created using the Ctrl key and click OK.
  5. Now use the arrows at the top of ProjectWise Administrator to move them into the following order:
  6. In ProjectWise Explorer, right click on the top level class folder (\ProjectWise for Administrators - Workflows) and select Properties.
  7. In the Properties dialog, click the Workflow & State tab and assign the Civil Project workflow to the folder.
  8. When the prompt appears informing you that all documents in the folder will be set to the first state, click OK. All documents will now be in the Preliminary state.
  9. Expand the Preliminary state by clicking the + and you’ll see this.
  10. Click OK to close the dialog.